This is a beginners Chakra alignment meditation, and is about a 15 minute meditation where anyone at any level can perform with no prerequisite or requirement. It can be done morning or night or anytime you feel stressed.
Play Some meditation music [whatever you prefer!]
Sit comfortably on the floor with your legs folded in front of you. You can sit on a cushion if you find the position uncomfortable. Hold your spine erect but not stressed. Let your hands fall limp on your knees. Breathe deeply and evenly
Visualize each Chakra in turn, from the Root to the Crown. As you do, picture an energy flowing from the earth through your feet, meeting at the first Root Chakra [use the color associations of each Chakra from the adjacent image to help you visualize]
Give each Chakra patient attention, and focus on it until you can see this vibrant earth energy passing through it – each Chakra deserves a few minutes of focus. [also, make sure not to focus on focusing or stress about not doing it right!]
By the time you reach the Crown Chakra, you should have a clear mental image of positive energy flowing all the way through your body and out the top of your head
Stay connected to this energy till you feel the need to break and return your consciousness to your body
I suggest trying this once a week for a start [or even daily!] Trust that it will bring peace, focus & clarity to your mind!
Individual chakra meditation
After you’ve successfully gone through a few meditation sessions, you should start to feel more sensitized to the energy flowing through your chakras. You’ll start to tie your feelings and physical state into specific chakras. Now you may want to start concentrating your sessions on individual chakras.
Do not force this process; with experience, you should find it more natural for your focus to drift to the chakras that are most in need of balancing when you meditate. You’ll find that there are many specialized positions, breathing exercises, mantras, and gestures [mudras] available to help you concentrate on specific chakras.
Hopefully, this introduction to chakra meditation has been helpful. You should have enough information to give basic mediation a try right now!
Don’t end your learning process here! There are plenty of other insights waiting for you to discover.