Practicing Self-Love

Practicing self-love can be challenging for many of us, especially in times when we face serious obstacles. Not to be mistaken for being self-absorbed or narcissistic, it’s about getting in touch with ourselves, our well being, and our happiness. Self-love is not simply a state of feeling good, there’s no magic pill- It’s a dynamic state of appreciation of oneself that grows from actions that support this, consequently maturing us.

I’ve included a few of my favorite techniques that I practice, and there are much more! Experiment with different acts of self-love that speak to you, and always remember to measure them with how they feel in your body and not how they sound in your head! It’s really something that needs to be practiced daily, and can be as simple as making it a point to sleep for 8 hrs on a particular day.

Simple Tips:

  1. Say something positive to yourself- How well you handled a situation, how lovely you look today. Anything that will make you smile.

  2. Good self care. You will love yourself more, when you take better care of your basic needs. nourish yourself daily through healthy activities, like nutrition, exercise, proper sleep, intimacy and healthy social interactions.

  3. Stop comparisons. The only person you should compare yourself to is you.

  4. Forgive yourself & accept your humanness. We humans can be so hard on ourselves. You can’t change the things you have done in the past but you can control your future. Remember, there are no failures, if you have learned and grown from your mistakes; there are only lessons learned.

  5. End toxic relationships. Anyone who makes you feel anything less than amazing doesn’t deserve to be a part of your life.

  6. Follow your passion. You know that thing that gets you so excited but scares you at the same time? The thing you really want to do but have convinced yourself it won’t work? You should go do that!

  7. Practice gratitude. We might have our down days. This is fine and very human of us. It’s especially important on these days to find at least one thing you are grateful for as it helps to shift your mind and energy around what’s going on.

  8. Learn to say no & set boundaries. You’ll love yourself more when you set limits or say no to work, love, or activities that deplete or harm you physically, emotionally and spiritually, or prevents you from expressing your true self.

  9. Give yourself credit. Reflect on the great things you’ve accomplished!

  10. Listen to yourself more. Allow your guidance system to help. Imagine that your emotions are guiding you. When you feel good about yourself, it means that what you’re thinking is aligned with how your soul sees you. When you feel bad about yourself, its a red flag telling you that a change in perspective is needed.

Difference between self-confidence & self-esteem, and how self-love helps both:

Self-confidence is about trusting yourself and your abilities. For example, you can be confident in one area, such as cooking or communicating, but then insecure in another, such as dancing or public speaking.

Self-esteem, on the other hand, is about how you see yourself. It’s about your perception of your worth. No matter what happens on the outside, do you treat yourself with love, care, and respect or not?

Self love works on boosting both your self confidence and your self esteem at the same time. By allowing you to trust yourself and your inherent abilities. Remember to love your humanness, as it may take a lifetime to master. So be kind, patient and support yourself throughout!

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